Dentistry is more than simply looking after your teeth. At Dartford Road Dental Centre, we are proud to have dentists with special areas of focus, having undergone additional training and experience in their chosen field. We can help you straighten your teeth, restore your smile and save your natural teeth.
When it comes to complex dental treatment, including orthodontics, endodontics and implants, it makes sense to have the most qualified person available for the procedure. We’re dedicated to making sure you have the best possible experience in our care.
If you would like more information or to book an appointment, please contact us today.
At Dartford Road Dental, we believe that quality dental care should be affordable to as many patients as possible. That is why we have options available to help spread the cost.
We are happy to help if you have any questions or concerns - get in touch today with our easy to use contact form. Our friendly team is waiting to hear from you!
Areas we serve include Dartford, Crayford and surrounding areas
When to visit
We have early opening hours!
Mon - Thurs 8:15am - 5:30pm
Friday 8:15am - 1:45pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:45pm (appointment only)